I joined the working forces. I work in an office were I help out by doing anything to take the load off. Well, I try. So I do a little book keeping, filing, printing, filling application and calling people to do this and that. I am told to do this and that, things I never heard of or know less than nothing about, so I ask a million questions which might or definetly annoys people around here, but hey when I am going to do something I want it to be right. But it gets better slowly.
Well, that work is from 8 a.m to 4 p.m but I have another job too, back at home. Since I'm moving out next month my sister is going to get my room. She wants a different colour for the walls. So our job is to get everything out of my ex-room and paint the walls. So all my things are moving to the guest room which is not in the house it self. My family seems to find it quit suitable that I'm moving out, ugh. Anyway, the guest room is my room now, so when ever I get back from England I have somewhere to stay. In the past three days we managed to get all of my things out, I found things that I was looking for and couldn't find and I found things I didn't even know I had. Seriously we humans buy things that we don't need, the problem is we think we need them. Once upon a time, people needed water, food,air and shelter. Now we need flash pink pens with glitter for school, a sock for the phone, etc etc...
Taking all my things out.
Working on my sisters new room.
Ex-guest room/ my room.
We are starting with painting next week, I'll show you how my ex-room room (new sister's room) will look like.
To be continued...
your room looks colorful and nice even though mess is seen around :)
And the title 'unemployed was yesterday' sounds to be cool..nice choice
Thanks sun :D
i agree the title is amazing, why do i have the feeling ur going to be a great author someday ! keep on the good work girl ... bless u
It is strange that you find this title really good because I was not sure about it at all.
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